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Premises Liability Attorneys in Pittsburgh

Experienced Lawyers Representing People Who Were Harmed on Unsafe Property

Business owners are responsible for ensuring their property is safe. That includes fixing things that are broken or malfunctioning. But it also includes preemptively identifying things that may be unsafe.

At Quinn Logue, LLC, we hold negligent business owners liable to make it clear that we won’t stand for businesses that prioritize making money over keeping people safe. Our lawyers represent clients in a range of premises liability cases, including:

  • Slip and fall accidents: If you slip, trip or fall down due to an unsafe property and receive a serious injury, you need sound legal advice.
  • Spills in stores: When people are shopping, they expect the floor to be safe for walking. Anything that prevents customers from walking normally should be cleaned up or clearly marked. This includes food that spills, floors that are wet from being mopped or leaks from the ceiling.
  • Unsafe shelving or stocking: Businesses pay for every square foot of space in their store, and in Pittsburgh, that can be expensive. In an effort to save money, some businesses stack things higher than customers can safely reach them, or they fail to secure heavy objects that are stocked on high shelves.
  • Broken stairs and unsafe handrails: Sometimes, a loose screw will continue holding something in place for months. Sometimes, it fails immediately. Either way, it’s not a gamble business owners should take. Whether it’s a loose handrail or a stair that creaks, business owners are responsible for ensuring things are fixed immediately.
  • Swimming pool accidents: The news regularly has stories about children who drown in swimming pool accidents. It’s always a tragedy when children die, but it’s a rarely an accident when children drown. An accident is unavoidable; no one is at fault. When a child drowns in a swimming pool, there is often someone who’s at fault. Was the gate to the swimming pool unsecured? Was the lifeguard watching too many people? Were the drains uncovered?

We’re committed to holding negligent property owners accountable for the injuries they cause. Learn more about the counsel we providing by scheduling a free consultation. We can be reached through our online contact form or by calling 412-765-3800.

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    Quinn Logue LLC

    The Waterfront Building

    200 First Ave., 3rd Floor
    Pittsburgh, PA, 15222-1512

    t. (412) 765-3800
    f. (866) 480-4630

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