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What to Do When Involved in an Out-of-State Accident

October 25, 2018

What to Do When Involved in an Out-of-State AccidentWhen you make vacation plans, making preparations and arrangements in the event a car accident happens is most often an afterthought. It’s important to consider the possibility of an accident so you can be prepared just in case.

Getting into an Accident While Out-of-State

It’s understandable to not want to spend your vacation time in the hospital, but it’s best for your health to seek out medical treatment for your injuries. Putting off getting seen by a doctor may prevent you from collecting compensation in the future. After a car accident, it’s necessary to reach out to your insurance company and inform them about the incident. When you are out-of-state, your insurance provider may provide you and your family with a rental vehicle if your car needs repairs. It is time-consuming but reaching out to the police to create an accident report provides crucial evidence in the event you do need to seek out compensation in the future. If you or a loved one is injured, then it’s advised that you seek out the assistance of an experienced car accident attorneys. The insurance coverage drivers are legally required to pay differs state by state, so your compensation award may be impacted by the laws of the state your accident occurred in. If your vacation plans aren’t completely derailed, then be cognizant of the types of pictures or posts you put on social media. Prosecutors may attempt to use this evidence against you in court to convince a jury you are exaggerating your injuries.

Contact Pennsylvania’s Car Accident Attorneys at Quinn Logue Law Firm

If you’ve been injured in an out-of-state car accident, then contact the attorneys at Quinn Logue Law Firm online to learn more about your legal options for compensation.

The articles on this blog are for informative purposes only and are no substitute for legal advice or an attorney-client relationship. If you are seeking legal advice, please contact our law firm directly.

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